What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the practice of using fine needles inserted into various points of the body situated along the meridian lines, to maintain or restore a healthy and balanced flow of qi, through the meridians and therefore the entire body.
Acupuncture can only heal what is functionally disturbed and not what is destroyed by irreversible degenarations.
It has been practised in China for more than 20 years and still does. Acupuncture has been embraced throughout the world due to its proven effectiveness. Also it is the world’s largest drug free health care therapy.
Acupuncture can help the body to heal itself more efficiently than conventional medicine and rarely causes any side effects. Of course it can be used alongside conventional medicine and complementary therapies and the best is that this therapy is suitable for almost everyone.
5 Element Acupuncture
The spirit Shen directs the energy Qi
We use Auriculotherapy in combination with the 5 Elements Acupuncture a central component of the Chinese view of the world.
Each individual can be assigned to one of these elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water), there is a defined relation of forces and effects between the elements.
The 5 elements and their 2 basic cycles (cycle of reciprocal feeding and interconversion and the overcoming cycle) are, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, an expression that all organs and all sorts of ailments within a functional circle are related to each other.
The 5 phases of change (spring, summer, late summer, autumn and winter) describe the different qualities and states inherent in natural phenomena. Derived from the observation of nature, these theories thus serve to describe the interactions between man and the environment, as well as between the individual organs within the human organism.
Acupuncture from a Western viewpoint
Scientists are increasingly studying the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating patients. Several studies have demonstrated that acupuncture has a measurable effect on the body’s ability to self-regulate (hormones, blood pressure, the immune system and brain activity to mention a few areas). The most favorable explanation among researchers is that the nervous system is activated when needles stimulate specific nerves and nerve endings (from an Eastern point of view this is called the deqii). Through the stimulation In the brain it is sent a signal that release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain killers.
What can I expect during a treatment session?
Acupuncture and Auriculomedicine can help the body to heal itself more efficiently than conventional medicine and rarely causes any side effects.
It can, of course, be used alongside conventional medicine and complementary therapies. It is suitable for almost everyone.
During a consultation, the acupuncturist takes a full health history of the patient to ensure a correct diagnosis.
The number of treatments required vary from person to person. Chronic conditions typically require more treatments. The first appointment will take a little more time ca 60 min. The number of needles depends on your condition and constitution. The needles will be left for 10-20 minutes. Most patients find the treatment very relaxing.
Again, in this case, it is very much dependent on the pathologies and disorders: on average, the first important benefits begin to have after 3 to 5 sessions.
It can also be verified that immediately after sitting or spending a few hours there is an increase in the pain or disorder that it has been treated for, which is absolutely normal, as this phenomenon of increasing the disorder often occurs then then go to a quick decrease of the same with subsequent sessions.
Treatment Methods
The following treatment methods and acupuncture types may be combined during an acupuncture session depending on your condition and constitution.
Bach Flower, Californian or Australian Flowers
Sanum Therapy
What acupuncture can treat:
Based on modern research, The World Health Organisation (WHO), supports acupuncture for a variety of conditions, some of which are listed below. I have had great success and much experience in treating the following: