What is Auriculomedicine?
Auricular medicine as developed by Western medical doctors in Europe is a complete modality of diagnosis and treatment. Unlike body acupuncture, auricular acupuncture is treating the central nervous system rather than meridians, still it is an energetic medicine. Current technology enables modern Auricular practitioners to not only locate active points but also detect polarity. With help of some instruments the practisioner will find out which points are most active in identifying energetic blockages/foci, and the type of treatment that is needed for those points!
German auricular medicine is a system of auricular acupuncture that grew out of the discoveries of Paul Nogier, M.D., of Lyon France in the 1950s advancements to the medicine have evolved in Germany
Advancements offer the practitioner the ability to not only use the ear for diagnosis, but also to determine the priorities amongst active acupuncture points. The result is an individualized treatment plan that provides an effective pathway for recovery. The brain holds the story, revealed through the relations point to the brain in the auricle . The ear is an independent microsystem, that affects the whole body. In ear acupuncture there is an exact distribution of points based on the concept of a rotated fetus. The head is located at the ear base, feet at its top, and the body in between.
The brain is dynamic, always projecting current disturbances as "active" points onto the ear. Going far beyond the use of basic two-dimensional ear maps to locate points, learning to accurately read the ear itself brings these active points alive and deblocking foci by sting a needle to the right point on the auricle.
What conditions are most helped with Auriculotherapy?
The science of Auricular therapy has been well documented, internationally researched, and published in medical journals. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists 150 conditions for which Auricular Therapy is appropriate. Examples include: various neurological and orthopedic disorders such as: headaches, migraines, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis, peripheral neuropathy,neuralgia, tennis elbow, sciatica, lumbar pain, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer pain, dry mouth, hot flashes, etc. It has also been successful in helping people with chronic allergies.
Auricular is most commonly used for pain control, addiction and cravings, weight loss, and help with mental or emotional problems. Points and protocols exist for the treatment of many internal disorders as well. Because Auriculotherapy can address any part of the body, nearly any problem can be treated by Auriculotherapy as a primary or complimentary form of care. The conditions listed are not comprehensive but merely examples of what can be treated successfully.