Could acupuncture be the cure for period pain? New study claims the ancient Chinese practice can reduce pain at that time of the month by HALF
Acupuncture is also helpful in fertility problems and as below
There can be many causes of sub-fertility in both men and women, however in 30% of couples the cause remains unexplained, in western medical terms
Embarking on any fertility treatment – can be a very demanding and stressful experience. One of the ways acupuncture infertility treatment increases fertility is by reducing stress, which is often a key factor in the fertility of both men and women. When people are under stress, the hormone cortisol is released in the brain. This alters the brain's neurochemical balance, this changing hormone levels and disrupting the reproductive cycle. “Chinese medicine can help support a woman through this important time in her life—whether that is emotionally or physically.
Not just stress is the reason for infertility, also for erectile dysfunction! But also the genetics such as polycyclic ovaries, the cicatrices, endometriosis and much more can be treated with auriculomedicine and thus enable a pregnancy.
Acupuncture can help with much more than just conception. It can help with morning sicknesss, nausea, aches and pains (low back pain, for example, anxiety preparation for birth, and insomnia,
Some ways Acupuncture can help here
We offer supportive care throughout your entire pregnancy. We provide additional care for a variety of pregnancy-related complaints, including constipation, nausea, indigestion, and fatigue. We will provide you the support you need while you work with your obstetrician or midwife until the day of delivery, and thereafter.
Providing successful fertility treatment through acupuncture is something I strive for and find extremely rewarding because of the happiness it brings to patients.