Acupuncture for mental health can alleviate stress, depression, and anxiety. It has also been used to treat more severe disorders such as schizophrenia, hysteria, neurosis, and other mental health afflictions. The ancient practice of acupuncture has been used to treat mental and physical affliction for thousands of years. Also in Auriculomedicine thanks to Dr. Frank Bahr we have amazing opportunities to treat mental problems without side effects. Here we can intervene on the metabolism and specifically on the brain metabolism WITHOUT psychopharmaceuticals
Acupuncture Benefits Patients with Depression Medicated with SSRIs by increasing Serotonin Levels and regulating inflammation
We all react to stress and anxiety in different ways. However, if you believe the stress in your everyday life is out of control, it’s time to take action. Acupuncture is a healthy, safe and effective option in which we can aid you managing anxious thoughts and break free from worry.
Acupuncture as well as Auriculomedicine centers on a holistic approach. Both is accepted to activate the neurological system. It can trigger the production of neurochemical messenger molecules which influence the body's homeostatic mechanisms. By managing your feelings of stress and stressful situations through acupuncture, you are encouraging physical and emotional well-being in a natural way. Essentially what acupuncture does, is alter stress and anxiety hormones.
Depression can affect anyone at any time, regardless of whether anything in their life gives them ‘cause’ for depression. It can also develop as the result of a difficult of tragic event in your life, recent or in the past. Alongside the psychological impact, depression can affect how you feel physically, with common symptoms including constant tiredness, difficulty in getting out of bed, aching and sore muscles, difficulty sleeping, loss or gain in appetite,
An example Psych Central says, "it was proved that acupuncture is comparable to cognitive-behavioral therapy, which psychologists commonly use to treat anxiety" and that "stress hormones were lower in rats after receiving electric acupuncture."
Acupuncture for Insomnia and sleep disorders. It can be quite effective. Try it out