Weight loss

Metabolism is not the same in all people

There are differences, albeit minimal. In fact, it is clear that there are people wh can eat anything without fatigue; and others, however, that, while dealing with privations, are gaining weight. Nor should we overlook the fact that in different people the same food and the same quantity can produce opposite effects both in one way and in the other (increase or decrease in weight).

Therapies based solely on reductions in energy input are often frustrating.

Scientific research has shown that many people, following rigorously and fatiguefully the most varied diets, get weight, even in those areas where they do not want it (such as in the face) but after a while regain the lost pounds . One should consider how difficult it is to calculate calories continuously, but above all how frustrating the elimination of fat is localized only in certain parts of the body.
The solution does not therefore consist in reducing the amount of food, but in choosing the quality of it. It is necessary to use that type of food, which the body burns for the necessity of its energy consumption, in other words for what it needs for its functioning. As a result, it is important to eliminate those types of foods that the body does not burn, but it is stored as a fat deposit.

The first consultation, on which the patient has to be present, fasting, between 8 am and 9 am, lasts about 4 hours.
With the medical history, weight, body measurements and laboratory values, we will be able to identify the type of your metabolism, who will receive in writing the individual list of foods that you must, can or should not eat, appropriate explanations.

Contact us for an appointment if you are interested in managing your metabolism and lost weight .