Traditional Acupuncture, Auriculomedicine & Functional Medicine

Sandra Waldis, M.Sc L.Ac.

We understand traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Auriculomedicine as a science and art.
Science to use the thousands of years of experience from China as well as modern knowledge about human beings. The art is to apply this knowledge to humans as individuals. In order to achieve a lasting recovery, the deeper causes of a disease have to be found and treated.
In Auriculomed the brain is dynamic, always projecting current disturbances as "active" points on the ear.

About me
Chronische Müdigkeit, Knieschmerzen oder Migräneanfälle, Bauchschmerzen, Darmentzündungen
und ihre vielfältigen Auswirkungen, Autoimmunkrankheiten und andere Veränderungen:
Im Studio Waldis erfahren Sie, wie die energetische Medizin, verbunden mit der Auriukulomedizin und die traditionelle Akupunktur Therapiehindernisse beseitigt und die Selbstheilungskräfte aktiviert.

Bei mir erlebst Du wie traditionelle Akupunktur und westliche Medizin mit alternativen Heilmethoden und energetischer Medizin die Selbstheilungskräfte des Menschen aktiviert.
Im Zentrum der Behandlung steht nicht nur die Krankheit, sondern auch die ganzheitliche Betrachtung des Menschen.

Meine Diagnose und Therapie basieren auf der Arbeit und Lehre von Dr. med Franz Jost, praktizierender Arzt in Lugano, der diese Art von Behandlung seit Jahrzenten ausübt. Ich bin seine Schülerin und Assistentin.
Schon während meinem Studium der angewandten Akupunktur in London habe ich bei Franz die Aurikulomedizin in der Praxis erlernt
Wenn auch Du es ausprobieren möchtest, was es bei Dir bewirkt: - kontaktiere mich.

Ich und Akupunktur bin von den meisten Zusatzversicherungen anerkannt

What Acupuncture has to do with Music

Check It Out Today!

Akupunktur ist der Versuch, verschiedene Punkte -in ein Ordnungssystem zu bringen. Musik ist der Versuch, verschiedene Töne -in ein Ordnungssystem zu bringen. Der Punkt als Elementares der Akupunktur -ist Schwingung Der Ton als Elementares der Musik -ist Schwingung Akupunktur und Musik haben also ein gemeinsames Ziel: Ordnung und Harmonie in ein Schwingungschaos zu bringen! Manfred Reininger, MD, Austria

What is Auriculotherapy?
        In Auriculomed the brain is dynamic, always projecting current disturbances as "active" points on the ear. Going far beyond the use of basic two-dimensional ear maps to locate points, learning to accurately read the ear itself brings these active points alive.
The brain holds the story, revealed through the relations point to the brain in the auricle . 
        The ear is an independent microsystem, that affects the whole body. In ear acupuncture there is an exact distribution of points based on the concept of a rotated fetus. The head is located at the ear base, feet at its top, and the body in between.
       The brain is dynamic, always projecting current disturbances as "active" points onto the ear. Going far beyond the use of basic two-dimensional ear maps to locate points, learning to accurately read the ear itself brings these active points alive and debloging foci by sting a needle to the right point on the auricle.

The spirit Shen directs the energy Qi

      We use Auriculotherapy in combination with the 5 Elements Acupuncture a central component of the Chinese view of the world.  Each function, disfunction or illness can be assigned to one of these elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water), there is a defined relation of forces and effects between the elements.

The French-German AuriculoTherapy act as a bridge between ancient Acupuncture and modern Fuctional Medicine using the best from both therapies. With the combination of this both therapies you will renew your health and also your quality of live.

  • Rosinlistrasse, Adetswil, Switzerland
  • CLICK HERE to book an appointment online now


Acupuncture is more than to sting a needle!

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The ear reveals your story!

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like cures like

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back to Nature with herbal remedies.

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Menstruation disorders and fertility assistance

Be yourself!

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Nutrition and Intollerances

Let food be the medicine - and medicine the food. Hippocrates

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Weight loss

Metabolism is not the same in all people

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Pain relief, traumas and sports injury

How to manage chronic pain in musculo-skeletal conditions.

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Mental or emotional disorders and Insomnia

an epidemic of our time!

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Stop Smoking

Auriculomedicine can help you on quitting smoking.

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Stop Tinnitus!

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Holistic Animal Treatment

Auriculotherapy for your pet!

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Functional medicine 
       With functional medicine we offer a natural way of treatment for chronic illness from diabetes to hypertension to autoimmune disease to heart disease to psychological problems and much more.

       While mainstream medicine has to wait until you are sick enough to diagnose you with a disease to prescribe medication, Functional Medicine act now and correct your energies to the right direction. In Functional Medicine  we want to stop the process of damages before they are not anymore reversible and the progression has taken place.
       A chronic illness is the result of disproportion in your physiological system in your body.  When inflammation, blood sugar imbalance, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, hormonal problems, and systemic upset occur the body spirals out of balance.

       This in conjunction with a poor diet, lack of essential nutrients, emotional stress, environmental toxins, lack of exercise, and other lifestyle issues set the stage for chronic disease to develop.

Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into the body at well-defined points that have proven to be effective in treating specific health problems. These points were mapped by the Chinese over 2000 years ago.

Generally, it can be said that it is worth having any chronic or acute ailments that are conventional
difficult to classify and therefore difficult to treat, to assess from the point of view of TCM and treat it accordingly.

A Chinese would say that acupuncture is painless. However, Westerners may also describe the feelings described above as mild pain. In any case, any discomfort will be mild.
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Modern medicine can not explain how acupuncture works. According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture relies on balancing disturbed energy flows.
It depends on the duration and severity of the problem.

Acute conditions can sometimes be resolved with just one treatment. Usually the patient should feel a positive effect of acupuncture after a series of 5 to 15 treatments.

If no improvement occurs after 10 to 15 treatments, the patient may not respond to this treatment and treatment will be discontinued.

Some chronic conditions can be continuously treated with acupuncture for a long time.
A Good personal hygiene helps reduce the possibility of bacterial infections.

If jewelry is left at home, it can not be forgotten in the studio.

It is advisable to wear light clothing, especially non-one-piece garments. Mostly only forearms and lower legs need to be bared.
Relax. Feel comfortable. That's good. Do not try to concentrate convulsively on the effects of acupuncture. Let happen, what has to happen.
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